Ransomware/Malware Protection Solutions
One of the biggest risks to businesses today is a successful ransomware or malware attack.
These threats are becoming more dangerous due to increasingly smart and tech-savvy hackers.
There are a number of tools and solutions aimed at thwarting these attacks, but training is equally important in your line of defense.
Block Ransomware
Ransomware, phishing scams, worms, and Trojans are all part of the malware family. At least 53% of ransomware attacks result in damages of $500,000 or more. Often, businesses are targeted and a ransom is demanded in order to gain access to your own system or to keep all your sensitive data private.
Fight Malware
The term "malware" is actually a combination of two words: malicious and software. It refers to any kind of malicious software designed to destroy a computer's data, disrupt your service or gain unauthorized entry into your system. Every day, 350,000 new malware programs are found and registered with the AV-TEST Institute.
Current News Creates New Threats
Impersonation is at an all-time high and tactics are improving every day to trick users. Every new major news cycle or story has the potential to bring a fresh round of attempts. Perpetrators will frequently use a story that people are interested in to entice them to act in a given way, so major events such as the pandemic, big sporting events, rumor filled celebrity stories, natural disasters, or fundraising efforts will all be exploited to the bad guys' benefit, if possible.
Ransomware/Malware Protection Services Include:
- Email threat data and alerts from different sources are combined and analyzed by both machine and human power to define and drive responses
- Identify vulnerabilities and build protection to prevent attacks
- Minimize downtime caused by attacks and repair
- Stay up-to-date on the latest threats
- User e-mailbox and communication habits are dynamically used to detect anomalies
- Scans of URL links and attachments to defend against zero-day threats in real-time
- AI tools predict the legitimacy of suspicious emails
- Breach detection service hunts for metadata on every application schedule to execute at boot up or log in
- Get customized solutions for your business needs
- Train employees using attack simulation and phishing awareness
Phishing attempts are made every day via email and phone calls and, by design, often result in successful ransomware attacks. When the bad entity gains this success, they will typically either block your access to your own data via encryption, or threaten to make all of your sensitive and private data public unless you pay them a ransom.
Emails they send mimic the actual business’ logo and site appearance perfectly and the URL is often nearly identical to the real one, usually just a letter or two off.
The object is to get you to click on a link, usually generating some urgency to do so, such as password expiration, for example. The purpose is to get you (or an employee) to divulge sensitive information by posing as a trusted, legitimate business.
Trying to rely simply on technology alone to determine whether something is safe or is worthy of suspicion is not enough as end users tend to become complacent and blindly assume that anything received is genuine. Plus bad guys are constantly working to evade detection by those very tools.
It’s critical that users be taught, and taught frequently, to remain vigilant. Luckily, there are security awareness training tools available now to assist with this effort.